1995 versus 2012

1995 versus 2012
It was all for fun when the Alumni from 1995 challenged this years boys basketball team to a game.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Frosh/soph team best in the SRV

  Weiser's frosh/soph boys basketball team has lived the dream. This is Bowe von Brethorst's first year as the frosh/soph coach. His team finished the season 22-0 and won the SRV Championship. Two years ago, Neil Stutzman's last year as the frosh/soph coach, his team lived the dream finishing the season 22-0 and claiming the SRV Championship as well. Perhaps, there is a State Championship trophy waiting for these boys to come get it. Wouldn't that be an even better dream?
  Weiser played Parma in Parma on Friday, February 17 for that title. Starters for Weiser were Michael Huerta, Austan Hemphill, Thomas Crawford, Bradley Dove and Hayden Herrick.  Hemphill to Crawford for the bucket. Dove to Crawford for two. Herrick with the block on defense. Hemphill   nailed a three off the inbound pass, 7-2. Hemphill to Herrick at the free throw line for two. Hemphill to Herrick for the last shot of the first quarter. Weiser led 11-6.
  Herrick was fouled and drained both shots. Hemphill to Herrick for two more, 15-8. Crawford to Hemphill at the top of the key for the three. Crawford to Hemphill on the left baseline for yet another three. Weiser would take a 21-10 lead in at halftime.
  In the top of the third quarter, on the fastbreak, Crawford to Hemphill. Hemphill back to Crawford who ducked under the defender, made the shot, drew the foul and sank the free throw, 24-12. Crawford to Huerta at the top fo the key for the three. Herrick with the block from behind. Crawford with a steal and coast to coast finish. Crawford sank two free throws. Herrick with the drive and the ever so softly lay in of the ball. Chris Obuch banked home the two point shot at the buzzer. Weiser 35, Parma 16.
  In the top of the fourth quarter, Crawford stole the ball, passed to Hemphill for the reverse shot. How sweet it is. Crawford on the fastbreak to Dove for  two. Herrick put in a shot. Crawford on the give and go finished with the bucket. Herrick to Anthony Cavazos on the back door play for the basket. Weiser would win the game 45-25 and claim the championship title.
  Scoring: Crawford 13, Herrick 12, Hemphill 11, Huerta 3, Obuch, Dove and Cavozos 2 each.
  Congratulations on a well played season young men.

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