1995 versus 2012

1995 versus 2012
It was all for fun when the Alumni from 1995 challenged this years boys basketball team to a game.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ladies can't find the basket in loss

  Saturday, January 14 Weiser traveled to Nyssa for the repeat girls basketball game. The frosh/soph team held it together to win 41-20. The JV did not have that success dropping the game. The varsity had a hard time finding the basket in a dismal shooting match. Weiser would lose the game 44-32. Weiser hit only seven of 42, two point shots and five of 15, three point shots. Also missing in action was Marquita Palmer.
  Starters for Weiser were Rachael Lee, Sadie Shirts, Nella Redman, Kellyn Fuller and McKenzie Johnson. Nyssa scored a three point shot and then a field goal to take the early lead. Lee sank her shot. Nyssa built that lead to 11-2 before Redman hit her shot. Redman sank another shot. Lee put the ball through the hoop, 13-8 Nyssa. Shirts had an offensive rebound putback. With eight seconds on the clock, Shirts passed to Redman for the THREE! The teams were knotted 13-13 at the end of the first quarter.
  Johnson hit a long two, her feet were just over the three point line, to start the second quarter. Johnson took a charge on defense. Nyssa began their run as Weiser struggled to even hit the rim. Johnson nailed a THREE! Redman to Johnson for her second THREE! Nyssa led 22-21. Lee with the "O" rebound putback. Nyssa would sink a shot at the buzzer to take a 28-23 lead in at the half.
  Weiser did not score a single point in the third quarter while Nyssa scored seven to lead 35-23 with one quarter to play.
  Shirts hit the baseline THREE! Fuller sank a THREE off an offensive rebound.  Weiser trailed by just six points. Nyssa called time-out and came up with a new strategy called "keep away". Fuller sank a free throw and Johnson made two free throws. Nyssa would win the game 44-32.
  Scoring: Johnson 10, Redman 7, Lee 6, Shirts 5 and Fuller 4.

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