1995 versus 2012

1995 versus 2012
It was all for fun when the Alumni from 1995 challenged this years boys basketball team to a game.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Lady Hoopsters play best game of season

  The Lady Wolverines began conference play by traveling to Homedale on Friday, December 16. Their gym had construction problems and had been closed for the past four months. This was their opening home game as well. The two younger squads for Weiser had a tough go of it dropping both games. The varsity team played their best game of the season despite having only six players.
  Nella Redman and Homedale's best player and point guard Kylie Farwell collided just 10 seconds into the game. Both went down for several long, intense minutes. Both would leave the game, go to the hospital and receive stitches. Both are also okay, no concussions. Whew! Homedale took the biggest hit from the loss as they were much like a ship without it's rudder. Weiser on the other hand, stepped up their game shooting outstanding from the field and passing well. Weiser would crush Homedale 53-22.
  Starters for the game were Redman, McKenzie Johnson, Kellyn Fuller, Marquita Palmer and Sadie Shirts. Palmer controlled the tip. Weiser's shot missed and then the disaster happened. When play resumed, Rachael Lee was fouled and made her first. Lee hit the elevated 12 footer. Johnson stole the ball and finished with the lay-up. On the fast break, Palmer to Johnson bada boom, bada bing! Weiser was up 7-0 when Homedale yelled time-out. Only two minutes had run off the clock.
  Johnson to Palmer for the shot. Shirts inbound the ball to Johnson cutting through the key for the bank home. Fuller to Shirts to Palmer for the bucket. Lee to Johnson for the downtown THREE! Palmer spun, took a step and made the shot. Johnson was fouled making her first. Weiser led 19-4 at the end of the first quarter.
  The second quarter was just one basket better. Palmer to Shirts for two. Palmer putback an offensive rebound. Shirts made a free throw. Palmer sank two free throws. Weiser runs a screen play that isolates Johnson. Johnson nailed her second THREE! Fuller picked off a bad Homedale pass and was off to the races finishing with the lay-up, 31-6. Palmer with another "O" rebound putback. Johnson to Fuller for her THREE! Shirts putback an "O" rebound. Shirts would finish the half making both free throw shots count. At the half, Weiser 40, Homedale 6.
  Weiser scored only nine points in the third quarter. Fuller to Palmer for two. Johnson pulled down the defensive rebound, outlet passed to Fuller on the fastbreak for the lay-up. Johnson made a hoop. Shirts to Johnson on the screen play again for the tri-fecta or third THREE! With a quarter to go, Weiser led 49-12.
  The fourth quarter was a bit sloppy for Weiser as our gals had five turnovers in a row without even attempting a shot. The good news is the clock ran continuously. Palmer had the only buckets in this quarter. The second was a blocked shot on defense and a coast to coast kiss off the glass finish. Weiser wins 53-22.
  Scoring: Palmer and Johnson 18, Shirts and Fuller 7 and Lee 3.

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