1995 versus 2012

1995 versus 2012
It was all for fun when the Alumni from 1995 challenged this years boys basketball team to a game.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Varsity girls school Baker City 43-14

  Whenever there is a Christmas break, you never know who stays in town and who travels. In the case of the girls basketball team, the varsity girls all stayed but the younger squads had slim pickin's. Weiser hosted Baker City on Thursday, December 29th. The Frosh/Soph playing with six girls won 23-20. The JV only had five ladies and dropped the game. The varsity began a bit slow but momentum belonged to Weiser as the win came 43-14.
  Starters were Marquita Palmer, Kellyn Fuller, Nella Redman, Sadie Shirts and McKenzie Johnson. Weiser would control the trip but it was quite some time before any points graced the board. BC actually scored a free throw for their one and only lead of the game. Redman drove for two and then hit another shot. Fuller putback an offensive rebound. Weiser led 6-4 at the end of the first quarter.
  In the top of the second quarter, Shirts had a terrific move for the mid-range hoop. Redman sank a shot. Palmer with the "O" rebound putback. Redman hit a THREE, 15-4 Weiser. Palmer putback another "O" rebound. Shirts to Palmer for two. Shirts hit her own bucket. Palmer finished out the first half with her basket sending Weiser in at the half leading 25-9.
  Redman scored the first basket of the third quarter. Shirts drove the lane, making the basket count as she was fouled. Sadie sank the free throw as well, 30-12 Weiser. Palmer for two. Rachael Lee to Alex Mink for two. Lee with her own hoop on a nice play. Palmer would once again hit the last bucket of the quarter. Weiser 38, BC 12.
  Weiser only scored five points in the fourth quarter as their lead was secure. Redman sank two of three free throws. Shirts made a free throw. Shirts to Redman for two as Weiser would win 43-14.
  Scoring: Redman 15, Palmer 14, Shirts 8, Lee, Mink and Fuller 2 each.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Boys blast past Nyssa in sweep

  During the Holiday break, the Weiser Wolverines traveled to Nyssa on Tuesday, December 27th for a mid-afternoon game of basketball. The day and the night, early night that is, belonged exclusively to Weiser. The Frosh/Soph team had the tightest game but even with just a one point gap, our boys came on strong in the fourth quarter to seal the win with Michael Huerta draining a three at the buzzer,42-35. The JV really had no problems at all stealing the ball and completing fast break lay-ins to win 52-30. The varsity game was slated to start at 6 p.m. but the game was played and over by 6:15 p.m. The varsity showed no mercy and with multiple rotations, none of the boys looked bad at all and plenty of teamwork, otherwise known as assists, abounded. Weiser would win handily 50-32.
  Starters for the varsity were Drew McKie, Issac Zanelli, Elias Daniel, Brock Bumgarner and Tyler Hemphill. Weiser controlled the tip. A few trips later, Zanelli to McKie for two. Zanelli to Daniels for two more. McKie had the rejection and putback his own offensive rebound on the other end of the court. On the fastbreak, Daniels to Hemphill going the distance for two. The score stood 8-0 at the 3:45 mark. McKie was fouled twice and sank all four free throws. Derek Reyes was fouled and made his count. Weiser led 14-4 at the end of the first quarter.
  Nyssa put some points on the board as Weiser started a bit slow in the second quarter. Daniels for two. Zanelli to McKie for two more. Hemphill sank a free throw. McKie with the hoop. McKie pulled down a defensive rebound, began to dribble down the court, spied Daniels with some separation from the defense, made the pass and the basket was GOOD! Nyssa would score the last five points as Weiser took a 23-13 lead in at half-time.
  Zanelli had to be one of the assist leaders this night as the first score of the third quarter came via his pass to McKie for two. McKie grabbed the ball on defense, outlet passed to Bumgarner who fired to Daniels on the fastbreak for two. Not seconds later, Weiser was on the fast break again and this time, Bumgarner made a backwards looking shot that went in. Incredible! When things are going right, it's a great day to be a Wolverine. Bumgarner to Hemphill on the fastbreak for two more.  McKie to Bumgarner for the two handed snap shot, 33-15 with 5:16 to go in the third quarter. Daniels putback an "O" rebound, Justin Roberts hit a bucket and Ethan Thomas went downtown for the THREE! With eight minutes to go, Weiser 40, Nyssa 27.
  Fourth quarter action saw plenty of bench players on the court. Zanelli would knock in two baskets. Roberts would chip in a shot. Bumgarner had one fall and the big foreign exchange student, Philipp Schmitz sank a shot and stole a ball. What a great day and night for Wolverine basketball. Weiser would win 50-32.
  Scoring: McKie 14, Daniels 10, Bumgarner 6, Hemphill 5, Roberts and Zanelli 4 each, Thomas 3, Reyes and Schmitz 2 each.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Lady Wolverines smokin' HOT!

  The Lady Wolverines hosted their last game before the Christmas break on Tuesday, December 20. Melba was the worthy opponent for our ladies. The Frosh/Soph team had a great, low scoring game. Weiser would take the lead late in the fourth on a pass from McKayla Mills to Kate Rose Hamilton for the bucket and the lead 17-16. That lead would hold for the victory. The JV did not have the same success. The varsity had a lead half way through the first quarter and held that lead to the end winning 50-41.
  Starters for varsity were Sadie Shirts, Marquita Palmer, Nella Redman, Kellyn Fuller and McKenzie Johnson. Palmer would control the tip. Johnson to Shirts for two. Palmer for two after Melba hit back to back shots. Palmer stole the ball at half court and made the easy lay-up. Fuller hit a THREE! Johnson stole the ball. The shot missed. Palmer snagged the offensive rebound and passed to Shirts who made the shot. Palmer was fouled draining both free throws. Rachael Lee inbound the ball to Palmer for the bucket. Johnson would sink two free throws to close out the first quarter. Weiser led 17-10.
  Redman was fouled early in the second quarter making both shots count. Johnson for two. Fuller to Palmer for back to back shots inside the key. Johnson to Palmer for two, 27-15. Shirts inbound to Palmer to Alex Mink on the opposite side under the basket for the hoop. Johnson stole the ball and was fouled making her first. At the half, Weiser 31, Melba 20.
  Melba outscored Weiser 15 points to 7 in the third quarter. Weiser's points came thusly, Redman to Palmer and then Palmer to Redman. Fuller knocked the ball loose and in the ensuing scramble, hit the deck. The ball was careening towards the end line when Palmer ran it down and fired the ball to Johnson for the shot, 37-32. Melba drew to within a basket with less than a minute to go, 37-35 Weiser. Johnson made one free throw. Weiser held the slim lead 38-35 with a quarter to play.
  In the beginning of the fourth quarter, Redman inbound the ball to Palmer for two. Palmer picked up a loose rebound and hit the turn around jumper, 42-35. Johnson and Redman hit buckets. Fuller to Redman for two, 48-39. Weiser missed some one-on-one free throws as Melba was desperately scrambling to get back into the game. Johnson would sink two free throws at the end of the game sealing the win for Weiser 50-41.
  Scoring: Palmer, 18, Johnson 15, Redman 8, Shirts 4, Fuller 3 and Mink 2.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Lady Hoopsters play best game of season

  The Lady Wolverines began conference play by traveling to Homedale on Friday, December 16. Their gym had construction problems and had been closed for the past four months. This was their opening home game as well. The two younger squads for Weiser had a tough go of it dropping both games. The varsity team played their best game of the season despite having only six players.
  Nella Redman and Homedale's best player and point guard Kylie Farwell collided just 10 seconds into the game. Both went down for several long, intense minutes. Both would leave the game, go to the hospital and receive stitches. Both are also okay, no concussions. Whew! Homedale took the biggest hit from the loss as they were much like a ship without it's rudder. Weiser on the other hand, stepped up their game shooting outstanding from the field and passing well. Weiser would crush Homedale 53-22.
  Starters for the game were Redman, McKenzie Johnson, Kellyn Fuller, Marquita Palmer and Sadie Shirts. Palmer controlled the tip. Weiser's shot missed and then the disaster happened. When play resumed, Rachael Lee was fouled and made her first. Lee hit the elevated 12 footer. Johnson stole the ball and finished with the lay-up. On the fast break, Palmer to Johnson bada boom, bada bing! Weiser was up 7-0 when Homedale yelled time-out. Only two minutes had run off the clock.
  Johnson to Palmer for the shot. Shirts inbound the ball to Johnson cutting through the key for the bank home. Fuller to Shirts to Palmer for the bucket. Lee to Johnson for the downtown THREE! Palmer spun, took a step and made the shot. Johnson was fouled making her first. Weiser led 19-4 at the end of the first quarter.
  The second quarter was just one basket better. Palmer to Shirts for two. Palmer putback an offensive rebound. Shirts made a free throw. Palmer sank two free throws. Weiser runs a screen play that isolates Johnson. Johnson nailed her second THREE! Fuller picked off a bad Homedale pass and was off to the races finishing with the lay-up, 31-6. Palmer with another "O" rebound putback. Johnson to Fuller for her THREE! Shirts putback an "O" rebound. Shirts would finish the half making both free throw shots count. At the half, Weiser 40, Homedale 6.
  Weiser scored only nine points in the third quarter. Fuller to Palmer for two. Johnson pulled down the defensive rebound, outlet passed to Fuller on the fastbreak for the lay-up. Johnson made a hoop. Shirts to Johnson on the screen play again for the tri-fecta or third THREE! With a quarter to go, Weiser led 49-12.
  The fourth quarter was a bit sloppy for Weiser as our gals had five turnovers in a row without even attempting a shot. The good news is the clock ran continuously. Palmer had the only buckets in this quarter. The second was a blocked shot on defense and a coast to coast kiss off the glass finish. Weiser wins 53-22.
  Scoring: Palmer and Johnson 18, Shirts and Fuller 7 and Lee 3.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wrestlers win at first home match

  Weiser hosted Timberline and Melba in the first duals of the wrestling season on Thursday, December 15. Weiser would win both duals. Quite a few of the Wolverine team points came via forfeits. However, there were at least two very exciting matches on the night and they came against Melba and near the end of the night. I don't want to get ahead of my own story so just keep your appetites whetted.
  Facing off against Timberline first, Weiser would win 54-9. Lionel Perez began for Weiser at 126 lbs. Perez took 3rd this past weekend in LaGrande. Perez would build a 11-2 lead in the first period and record the fall in the second at 3:34. At 132 lbs., Ty Alder, wrestling up a weight class had all he could handle dropping the match 11-4. Noah Hall at 138 lbs., is perhaps the most limber of our wrestlers and at one point had to bridge to keep from being pinned. Hall placed fourth at the LaGrande tourney. This match went the distance with Hall coming out on the short end losing 16-10. At 145 lbs., first year wrestler Erick Sanchez outlasted his man. Both were scoreless after the first period. Timberline picked the down position to begin the second period and Erick was able to turn his opponent to his back for the near fall and three points. That was the deciding factor as the final tally showed Sanchez with the win 3-0.
  Senior Mitch Svedin is as steady as they come. Not all his matches are spectacular but you can count on quality matches with him. Mitch would win by a single point 4-3 at 152 lbs. At 160 lbs., Matt Petero had an easier time just getting the fall with 12 seconds left in the first period. Matt Loughran did not have that luck at 170 lbs. First of all, he gave up 10 pounds to wrestle up. Loughran would lose 4-0. Nick Stephenson was the last wrestler for Weiser to actually wrestle. He too wrestled up at 182 lbs. He pinned his man at 1:51, just 9 seconds before the buzzer to end the first period. Masson Herrick, JD Johnson, Chris Beltran, Christian Oyervides and Alex Gomez all received forfeits.
  The Melba matches had a bit more excitement for the fans. Melba usually has some tough wrestlers. Do you recall the Johnshoys? Tough young men and state champions that thankfully have graduated. Weiser would win and forfeits had a hand in that as well, 51-23. Hall was up first. His match ended in a technical fall with the loss 18-1 at 4:57. Sanchez also lost by fall at 4:39. Svedin would record the fastest pin on the night for the good guys at 41 seconds. Petero lost by fall at 1:38. It wasn't looking so good for the Wolverines.
  Mason Herrick stepped onto the mat for his first ever high school wrestling match. Melba had a big guy too at 220 lbs. Herrick would record a take down. The Melba wrestler, Anthony Herrera escaped. Herrick took him down again and again, Herrera escaped. Herrera also was awarded a penalty point due to locked hands. Mason held the 4-3 lead after the first period. Melba chose both men up with Herrera taking Herrick down. It took some time but Mason was finally able to escape with only 30 seconds left to knot the score 5-5. Two minutes remained and Herrick looked all done in. At one point, he just laid on his back, I think when the buzzer sounded. Coach Drew Dickerson was trying to tell him what to do in the top of the third period and Mason just turned and said in a "what do you want" voice "What?" Herrera escaped to take the one point lead. Mason took him down only to be reversed. Herrick muscled his way to his feet and escaped. The score stood at 8-8 with less than a minute to wrestle. Who wanted it more? With 12 seconds to go, Mason went for it and muscled Herrera to the mat for the take down and the win, his first ever, 10-8. My oh My!
  JD Johnson had to follow that act and he did not disappoint either. Johnson would normally wrestle at 220 lbs., but Dickerson moved him up to take on the Melba Heavyweight Riley Crossley. Crossley would record a take down in the first period to lead 2-0. The second period began with both men up. Crossley went for the takedown. The two men hit the mat and Johnson did a headstand, landed on his feet while the two men were still locked together with their arms. Johnson rolled and put Crossley to his back. The pin came at 2:42. It is hard to describe exactly what happened in print but believe me when I say I have never seen anything like that and I wished I had a camera to take a picture of JD with feet in the air and then the rollout for the pin. Holy Cow!
  Enter Perez again. Lionel would control his match from the get go. Perez would lead 4-0 after the first period, 11-2 after the second and record the fal lat 4:51. Last to go was Hilario Manahano who put up a tough fight against a seasoned Melba wrestler. Hilario would subcomb to the fall at 4:21. Beltran, Oyervides and Gomez would each receive forfeits. It was a good night to be a Wolverine!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Lady Vikings sweep Lady Wolverines

  Weiser's girls basketball teams traveled to Vale on Tuesday, December 13. The two younger squads did not fare so well losing big. The varsity had defeated Vale 37-31 at our house not that long ago. Home court advantage actually means a lot in any game and tonight, that home court advantage worked for Vale. Vale's premier player, Amy DeLong scorched the net for 29 points. Had Weiser held her to 15 points like the first time, the outcome may have turned out on the plus side for the good gals. Weiser lost 50-46.
  Starters for Weiser were Rachael Lee, Sadie Shirts, Nella Redman, Kellyn Fuller  and McKenzie Johnson. Weiser would score first, Johnson to Shirts for the 10 footer.  Shirts was fouled draining both shots. Redman knocked down a shot. Johnson to Redman for the THREE!  Redman would drive along the baseline and then through the key for back to back shots. Palmer hit her jumper at the buzzer. The two teams were tied 15-15 at the end of the first quarter.
  Johnson was fouled in the top of the second quarter making both shots count. Redman made two of three free throws, 20-19 Vale. Alex Mink made a free throw. Shirts putback an offensive rebound. Vale would steal the ball and make the lay-up at the end of the first half. Vale would lead 29-22.
  In the third quarter, Shirts inbound the ball to Redman for the finish. Lee hit the jumper but Weiser was falling behind 35-26. Johnson for the hoop inside the key. Johnson made a free throw and another field goal. With one quarter to go, Vale 43, Weiser 31.
  Weiser outscored Vale 15 points to 7 in the fourth quarter but the deficit was too large. Johnson sank a THREE! Johnson for two more. Fuller to Palmer for the turnaround jumper, 46-38 Vale. Fuller went downtown with the THREE! Vale called time-out. Fuller nailed her second THREE! Weiser trailed by a bucket 46-44. Palmer tied the game when she putback the "O" rebound with under three minutes to go.  Disaster struck or nerves frayed at this point. Weiser had turnover after turnover and could not recover. Weiser would drop the game 50-46.
  Scoring: Redman 13, Johnson 12, Shirts, Palmer and Fuller 6 each, Lee 2 and Mink 1.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Grapplers finish with four medalist at LaGrande tournament

  The WHS wrestling program begin it's season at the Mullenberg tournament in LaGrande, Oregon December 9 and 10. Weiser would finish 7th overall as a team with four young men finishing in the top four spots. Wrestling at 120 pounds, Alex Gomez would claim fifth place. Lionel Perez would finish in third. Placing second at 132 pounds was Brady DeYoung. At 170 pounds and 220 pounds respectively, Nick Stephenson and JD Johnson earned fourth place finishes. Noah Hall finished well. It was a good showing for our grapplers. It is entirely possible all this information is incorrect but let's just say, the boys did real well. I'll update as I get the real story.

Hoopsters sweep Nyssa 12-10-2011

  The boys basketball teams hosted Nyssa on Saturday, December 10. This was my first look at the three teams and let me tell you, the freshman squad is exciting to watch. They worked well together and played outstanding ball winning 56-44. The JV game began with a bang. Jacoby Miller won the tip easily with Clayton Zimmerman and Austyn Grouthaus working together for the lay-up. The next three Nyssa possessions were stolen before the half-court line by these two speedy guards. Weiser was up 8-0 with barely a minute gone. Needless to say, the JV had no problems cruising to the win 51-30.
  The varsity from what I understand has been trying to find their rythym. A lot of new faces are on the bench and one big presence has graduated. They won last night against Vale, and tonight, also handed Nyssa a loss 61-34. The bench was a huge factor tonight as the leading scorer, Elias Daniel had a banner game scoring 16 points, at least one field goal in each quarter and the closing shot after a steal and a coast to coast dish.
  Starters for Weiser were Drew McKie, Issac Zanelli, Justin Roberts, Tyler Hemphill and Garrett Crawford. Zanelli to McKie for two. Hemphill to Crawford for the bucket. McKie with the rejection. Roberts for two. McKie made one free throw putting Weiser up 7-2. On the fast break, Roberts finished with the lay-up. Daniels putback an offensive rebound. Brock Bumgarner to Daniels for two. Weiser would finish the first quarter up 15-9.
  Zanelli found Daniels in the top of the second quarter for the shot. Zanelli sank a bucket. Flint Hickman made his shot. Nyssa had yet to score in this quarter with Weiser leading 21-9. Hickman went flying out of bounds for a loose ball, flicked it back to the court where McKie caught it and drained the shot. McKie to Zanelli cutting through the key for two, 25-9. Roberts inside the key with the nice looking hook shot. Hemphill to Roberts for the reverse shot. At the half, Weiser 29, Nyssa 15.
  McKie drove the key for two in the top of the third quarter. Nyssa did not step in this big man's way! Hemphill was fouled and made both shots count. Zanelli hit nothing but the net on his THREE! Daniels for two more, 38-15. Daniels with the "O" rebound putback. Ethan Thomas nailed a baseline THREE! Thomas to Daniels for two as the quarter came to an end. Weiser led 45-21.
  The starters sat most of the fourth quarter. Bumgarner was fouled and sank both shots. Daniels pulled down an "O" rebound in traffic and somehow passed the ball outside the key to Bumgarner who made the shot. Hickman made one free throw. Bruce Hamilton had the acrobatic move with an alley-oop reverse shot. Philipp Schmitz made a shot and the student body went wild. Derrick Reyes stole the ball and finished with the lay-up. Schmitz to Reyes for two. Schmitz sank one free throw. The final bucket again was Daniels with the steal and the coast to coast dish. Final score, Weiser 61, Nyssa 34.
  Scoring: Daniels 16, Roberts 8, McKie and Zanelli 7 each, Bumgarner and Reyes 4 each, Hickman, Thomas and Schmitz 3 each, Hemphill, Crawford and Hamilton 2 each.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Ladies wallop Baker City 56-16

  Not a whole lot of fans drove to Baker City to watch our Lady Wolverines take on the Lady Bulldogs on Friday, December 9. The Frosh/Soph game was a thriller with Weiser just squeeking by due to free throws to claim the victory 27-26. The JV were not so lucky as BC defeated our gals 27-26. The varsity game belonged exclusively to Weiser. The team looked like a well-oiled machine, shooting well and playing that tenacious defense we have come to know and love. Weiser would annihilate Baker City 56-16.
  Starters for varsity were Kellyn Fuller, Nella Redman, Marquita Palmer, McKenzie Johnson and Sadie Shirts. The tip belonged to Palmer. It took a few trips up and down the court before Weiser found their rythym. Shirts to Palmer for the turn-around jumper. Palmer to Redman inside for the bank shot. Rachael Lee came in off the bench and made herself known real quick. Lee stole the ball from a BC player after a rebound and hit the fade-away jumper. Fuller to Lee for the elevated shot putting Weiser up 8-0.
  Johnson made a free throw with under two minutes to play. Redman to Johnson on the fast break for the left-handed lay-in. Johnson to Fuller for the first of her THREE's! Redman with the defensive rebound sent a long pass down the court. Fuller almost didn't catch up with the ball. Thankfully, Kellyn was able to catch the ball just as she hit the end of the court and made the lay-up count. Fuller would make a free throw. Weiser had a substantial lead after one quarter 17-3.
  Redman hit a long two in the top of the second quarter. Lee forced a five second ball giving Weiser possession. Fuller to Shirts for two. Johnson hit a lazy looking THREE! Palmer putback an offensive rebound. Johnson to Fuller for the second THREE on the night. Not 20 seconds later, Fuller nailed her third THREE! Weiser would head to the locker room leading 32-8 at the half.
  Weiser continued to pile in the points in the third quarter. Palmer with the "D" rebound outlet passed to Fuller on the fastbreak for two. Johnson stole the ball and with Shirts sprinting with her down the court, Johnson made the pass to Shirts for the bucket, 36-8. Redman and Johnson both made a free throw and Redman hit a field goal. Weiser would lead 39-13 at the end of three.
  In the fourth quarter, only five field goals were made. Palmer had a basket and an "O" rebound putback. Redman made a shot off the fast break and the first shot of the quarter and Fuller received a pass from Shirts for the bucket. The rest of the points came from the free throw line. Weiser would win 56-16.
  Scoring: Fuller 18, Redman 11, Johnson 10, Palmer 9, Shirts and Lee 4 each.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ladies pull off last minute victory 36-35

  All three Weiser girls teams emerged victors over Nyssa in our gym on the night of Tuesday, December 6. The frosh/soph won 40-21 and the JV won 36-30 behind the scoring of Erienne Loughran who had 18 points. The varsity game could be described as "Ugly!". However, a win is a win and Weiser pulled off the dramatic come-from-behind victory with less than 30 seconds to go in the game. Weiser won 36-35 but just barely.
  Starters for the varsity were Marquita Palmer, Nella Redman, McKenzie Johnson, Kellyn Fuller and Sadie Shirts. Weiser's first points came via two free throws by Redman. Johnson to Shirts for two, 4-4. Many minutes later as Nyssa was making their shots, Palmer with the offensive rebound to Shirts for the bucket. At the end of the first quarter Nyssa led 11-6.
  The two teams each made nine points in the second quarter. Rachael Lee was fouled and her two free throws were nearly silent as they just dropped gracefully through the net. Palmer to Redman in the key for the no-look basket, 13-10 Nyssa. Redman putback her own rebound with five minutes to go in the half. Redman was fouled and made one tying the teams up 13-13. Johnson hit a bucket. Nyssa would take a 20-15 lead in at half time.
  Shirts found Palmer for the hoop in the third quarter. Palmer was also fouled and made that count as well, 20-18 Nyssa. Palmer had a block on defense. Redman sank a shot. Redman made two free throws. Nyssa heated up and built their lead once again. Redman found the net for two. Shirts made one free throw, however, Nyssa led 33-25 with eight minutes to play.
  Alex Mink pulled down an offensive rebound and passed to Shirts for the finish in the top of the fourth quarter. Mink put back an "O" rebound. With less than five minutes to play, Weiser trailed by six points. Nyssa decided to employ a controlled offense and kept the ball on the perimeter for a good three minutes. Shirts was fouled and made a free throw. Johnson nailed a bucket to close the gap to 35-32, Nyssa. The stall was looking like a bad idea at this point.
  Fuller stole the ball and began the fast break with Johnson sprinting beside her. The pass was made as Johnson kissed the ball off the glass, 35-34, Nyssa. Coach Nick Reed called time-out with 35.3 seconds remaining in the game. Nyssa had the ball. WEISER STOLE THE BALL! Fuller attempted a three point shot. The ball hit the rim with Palmer leaping for the rebound. Her shot went in giving Weiser the lead 36-35.
  Nyssa had the ball once again. Palmer stole the ball with just 3.9 seconds to go. A foul on Nyssa stopped the clock. Weiser called a time-out. All Weiser had to do was inbound the ball. Nyssa tipped away the first attempt. Talk about DRAMA! The second attempt of the inbound pass was stolen by Nyssa. The shot was taken but it wasn't even close as it appeared the clock ran out of time. The officials called a foul and after a very long discussion, including talking to both team's coaches, the scoring table and themselves, it was determined that one tenth of second would be put back on the clock. Two time-outs later, the officials said that the inbound pass had to be a tapped ball that had to go in to count.
  Basically, a catch and release takes three tenths of a second. The only senario that would work was like a hit in volleyball. The inbound pass was tossed. Nyssa's best player gave it her all and thankfully for Weiser, the shot was wide. Man what a game as Weiser stole the win 36-35.
  Scoring: Redman 13, Shirts 8, Johnson 6, Palmer 5, Lee and Mink 2 each.

Girls hang on to defeat Vale

  Wow. The ladies had a game on their hands when Vale came calling Friday, Dec. 2. Vale may have the best female basketball player in the entire state of Oregon and they are tall. Vale won the tip and nailed a three point shot. Marquita Palmer passed to McKenzie Johnson for the shot, the foul and the made free throw to knot the teams 3-3. Johnson to Palmer for the turnaround jumper. Johnson to Kellyn Fuller for the THREE that hit nothin' but the net. Palmer for two 10-7 Weiser.Nella  Redman hit a THREE with 35 seconds to go in the first quarter giving Weiser the lead 13-12.
  The teams would go toe to toe in the second quarter as well. Redman was fouled early and drained both shots. Fuller to Palmer for two giving Weiser a large lead 17-12. Vale roared back and took the lead as Weiser turned over the ball a whopping 7 times to trail at halftime 21-17.
  Sadie Shirts would putback an offensive rebound in the top of the third quarter. Palmer for two. Johnson pulled down a defensive rebound, dribbled the length of the court for the lay-up, 23-23. Johnson stole the ball and threaded her way through her own key past Vale defenders for another lay-up. The teams entered the fourth quarter tied 25-25.
  Palmer putback an "O" rebound. Johnson made one free throw. Johnson to Shirts. Shirts dribbled to her left into the key and elevated for the jumper draining the shot, 30-27 Weiser. Johnson banked a shot home. Fuller hit a baseline THREE, 35-27 Weiser. The word INTENSITY could best describe the next three and a half minutes of play. Johnson hit a bucket. Weiser decided to play keep-away in the last minute of the game. A missed free throw gave Vale the ball and they called time-out. This next bit of game was anything but pretty. The ball was turned over four times in a row in a matter of seconds. It was absolutely crazy out there. The best news is Weiser ended up with the ball and plenty of clock time had run off. Weiser would savor the win 37-31.
  Scoring: Johnson 12, Palmer 10, Fuller 6, Redman 5, Shirts 4. Weiser had 20 turnovers and Vale had 22.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Girls demolish New Plmouth

The Lady Wolverine's basketball team are now 2-1 on the season. After suffering an opening game loss to New Plymouth, the ladies travled to Melba on Saturday, December 19. The gals played much better as a team and won 50-27 accomplishing half of their goals they set for the game. Here is a recap as I was unable to attend the game. Weiser led from the start finishing the first quarter ahead 13-7. They continued to pad the lead thusly, 31-8 at half, 38-22 end of third quarter (a quarter where Weiser struggled to find the hoop and Melba closed the gap) and of course, the final score of 50-27. Points were made as follows: Marquita Palmer and Kellyn Fuller shared top honors with 12 apiece. Palmer was 6 of 14 from the floor. Fuller was 4 of 7 field goals and 1 of 4 from three point range and 1 for 2 for free throws. Nella Redman chipped in 8 points, 2 for 8 from the field and 4 of 7 free throws. McKenzie Johnson had 6 points making 3 of 6 from the field and 2 of 2 free throws. Sadie Shirts and Alex Mink each had 3 points, Rachael Lee and Kyndra McKie had 2 each.

The New Plymouth (NP) game was in Weiser on Tuesday, November 29th. I will post pictures with this blog as soon as I can. Keith Bryant graciously sent me three to use. The frosh/soph team lost 41-20 and the JV also lost 34-19. The varsity did so much better and that was due to no foul trouble. If you remember, two of our starters sat quite a bit the first time these teams met. Weiser would have no problems defeating NP 51-33. Shooting wasn't the greatest as the team was 21 for 67 shots from the field.
  Redman had the hot hand in the game shooting lights out for 24 points. She scored first in every quarter and she had a beautiful inside bank shot that was unstoppable. Palmer had a block on defense and then putback an offensive ("O") rebound. Johnson had a steal for two but the rest of the points belonged to Nella. At the end of the first, Weiser 16, NP 10.
  Fuller hit a baseline three in the top of the second quarter after Redman had hit her fifth field goal. Redman would accept a pass from Johnson for the THREE! Coach Nick Reed was quite upset with the foul calling and made his concerns known earning a Technical foul. Palmer would pick up a loose ball and drain the shot. Weiser had the lead 33-20 at half time.
  Redman was fouled early in the third quarter and made one. Johnson would take down a defensive rebound and go coast to coast for the bank shot, 36-22 Weiser. Johnson was dribbling the ball up the court with a full court press on. The NP player tipped the ball away, Johnson corralled it before it went out of bounds. The ball was tipped again and again, Johnson was able to get it back. This time, she dribbled to the key and hit the pull-up jumper. How's that for concentration? Weiser led 42-28 with a quarter to play.
  Palmer had a steal and went the distance to score in the top of the fourth quarter. Shirts inbound to Redman down low. Nella dribbled and banked the shot home. Redman and Palmer each put back an "O" rebound. Weiser would savor the win 51-33.
  Scoring: Redman 24, Palmer 14, Johnson 9, Fuller 3 and Shirts 1.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

WHS Girl's game at New Plymouth

Hello everyone. This is my first attempt at a blog. I love sports and have spent the last 8 years writing about Weiser High School's varsity sports. I am going to continue to write about these fine athletes, only now it will be in this venue.
  Weiser girls basketball played New Plymouth in their gym on Tuesday, November 15. It appeared to this reporter that NP was much better prepared for the three games than Weiser was. The frosh/soph team was crushed as was the JV team. The varsity actually had a lead at the end of the first quarter but would lose the game 53-42. Starters for Weiser were McKenzie Johnson, Marquita Palmer, Nella Redman, Kellyn Fuller and Sadie Shirts. The first four are seniors with Shirts being a freshman.
  Palmer won the tip easily and Weiser was off to the races. Ball handling was good but it became clear early that Weiser was in some serious foul trouble. Fuller picked up two quick fouls and sat for most of the first quarter. She would earn a third in the second quarter and Palmer was also in deep water with three fouls. NP had the lead at the half.
  Long story short for this first time, Palmer would foul out early in the fourth quarter. Rachael Lee and Kendra McKie saw playing time but it just looked like Weiser was not insync on out of bounds plays or plays in general. It is early in the season still.
  The most outstanding stat was Weiser was 10 made of 50 shots taken from the field. OUCH! High point for Weiser was Johnson with 20 pts. She had 1- 3 point shot and 5 - 2 point shots. She was also 7 made of 8 attempts from the free throw line. Redman had 13 points and four others had 2 each.
  The ladies are in Melba today and host NP on Tuesday, November 29.

Until next time, thanks for reading.
Joyce Knauer